Cancellation Policy
What should a guest do if they need to cancel due to an emergency?
We might provide a refund if a guest must cancel their booking due to an emergency situation.
Our Extenuating Circumstances Policy outlines how cancellations due to uncontrollable or unforeseen events that occur after booking are managed, rendering it either impractical or unlawful to proceed with your reservation. This policy is valid for both accommodation and Experience bookings.
In cases where this policy permits cancellation, it will override and supersede the standard cancellation policy of the reservation. Guests affected by an event that falls under this policy may cancel their booking and may receive a refund, travel credit, or other compensation, depending on the specific situation. Hosts affected can also cancel without facing negative consequences, although their availability calendar may be blocked for the dates of the canceled reservation depending on the situation.
Which events qualify?
Under this policy, an “Event” is defined as any of the following incidents that happen post-booking, could not be anticipated at the time of booking, and prevent or legally stop guests from fulfilling their reservation.
Alterations in government travel regulations including unexpected changes in visa or passport rules by a government entity preventing travel to the destination. This does not cover lost or expired travel documents or other personal issues affecting a guest’s travel authorization.
Declared emergencies and disease outbreaks. This includes locally or nationally declared emergencies, epidemics, pandemics, and public health crises but excludes diseases that are known and common to a region such as malaria in Thailand or dengue in Hawaii.
Government-imposed travel restrictions. These are restrictions set by government bodies which stop or prohibit travel to, stay at, or return from the property location, excluding non-mandatory travel recommendations or similar government advisories.
Military conflicts and hostilities. This includes wars, hostilities, invasions, civil wars, terrorism, explosions, rebellions, riots, coup attempts, and widespread civil disorder.
Natural catastrophes. Events like natural disasters, acts of God, significant utility disruptions, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and other extreme weather conditions. Predictably recurrent weather or natural conditions, such as hurricanes during Florida’s hurricane season, do not qualify.
What does not qualify?
All other scenarios not listed above. This policy does not cover cancellations due to unexpected illness, injury, or disease; obligations imposed by the government such as jury duty, court summons, or military duties; travel advisories or other governmental advisories that do not impose a travel ban; cancellations or reschedules of an event the booking was for; or transport disruptions unrelated to an eligible event like closed roads, or cancelled flights, trains, or buses. Cancellations in these scenarios will be processed according to the reservation’s standard cancellation policy.
Next steps
If you are notified or find confirmation that this policy applies to your booking, please proceed with the cancellation instructions provided. You may cancel under this policy by accessing your Trips page and selecting to cancel the affected reservation. If you suspect this policy covers your reservation but have not received notification or cannot find relevant information, please contact us to proceed with the cancellation. Be prepared to supply documentation showing how the event has affected you or your booking.
For any inquiries, please reach out to us.
Additional notes
This policy extends to all bookings with a check-in date on or after its effective date, except for Luxe bookings which are addressed under a separate Luxe Guest Refund Policy.
Refund timing
Refunds are processed immediately upon cancellation and generally appear within 3-5 days, although it can sometimes take up to 15 days to reflect back via the initial payment method. In some countries like Brazil and India, it may take up to 2 months for the refund to process.
Uncertain about your booking’s cancellation policy?
We sometimes allow hosts to test new cancellation policies. Always check the details provided in your reservation for the applicable cancellation policy.